No, we have not fallen off the planet. Yes, we (especially Heidi) are busier than we've ever been and literally have no time to do anything other than work, study, sleep, and eat.
Noel's in the midst of finals week, which always makes for a crazy week. He sits at his computer typing all day, everyday for a week straight. At the end, he turns in a big paper.
Heidi's taking Microbiology and Chemistry (General, Organic, and Biochemistry) at Pasadena City College. These classes would be difficult enough if it's all I was doing! But, on top of it, I'm working full-time. Also, we're trying to finish out the year strong as community coordinators. Our last day is May 31, which can't come soon enough at this point!
We're tired, but doing well. Just thought we'd give you all a little (albeit boring) update.