Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We had a fantastic Thanksgiving celebration this year. We've spent the past 3 Thanksgivings with large groups of people, which ended up being mostly people we didn't know. We felt like doing something a lot simpler this year and just had dinner with Tony and Christen. It was a really fun day. Tony and Christen brought a few dishes and I made a few dishes. We spent the day watching the Lions (quite depressing!), eating, playing Canasta, and watching Christmas vacation.

Sitting down to the feast.
Showing off both my new baking dish and my totally from scratch stuffing (it was an experiment, but turned out pretty well!).
We're so thankful the Bordenkircher's are here. We love hanging out with them and getting to know them better. Yea for fellow Hope grads!

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