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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day Two

Jude and Hazel are still doing well today, given their gestational age. Heidi and I visited them a couple times, Heidi for the first time! You'll see in the pictures we spent some time with them grabbing our fingers, although we couldn't do that tonight because they were both getting blood transfusions. But we did read them a bed time story and gave them a blessing.

It's going to be a long journey here in the NICU, with plenty of ups and downs, so we'll need lots of prayers. Surprisingly, Hazel was able to be extubated and is now on the SIPAP machine, but Jude did not do so well without the breathing tube, so he'll still have it for a little while.

We're thankful for all the support from family and friends. You all have been so great. It will be a while before they can fit in most of their clothes, though!


Rose Lee-Norman said...

Thanks for posting more pictures! Glad things are progressing well!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Noel and Heidi

They are soooooooo adorable. Here is something I read today.

Breast milk can be pumped by the mother and fed to the premature baby through a tube that goes from the baby's nose or mouth into the stomach.

Have they suggested that?


Anonymous said...


Heidi you look great:)

Belinda said...

I posted early this AM but I don't see it. The blog is the last we check at night and first thing in the AM They are so beautiful. It is so touching to see them holding on to Mom & Dad. We love them already. We are praying for God to surround you with His love. Keep the new coming. Grampie & Gramsie

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the updates and photos. You 4 are being bathed in prayer. Love, Karen & SMCC staff