For Jude:
- He has a head ultrasound again this week. We are praying that the clot is smaller (it's getting reabsorbed) and that no cysts appear. We pray for complete healing of his brain.
- That he gains weight (it'd be great if he made it to 5 lbs!)
- That his respiratory function continues to get better and that his current settings can be lowered.
For Hazel:
- That she tolerates the condensing of her feeds
- That her edema goes away (she's had edema for weeks and has been on a diuretic for it, but it's still not gone).
- That she tolerates a lower setting of oxygen flow (she's very close to getting off completely!)
For both:
- They both have high direct billirubin levels (in the beginning, their indirect levels were tested) that need to go down. We're hoping it's a result of the extended period of time they were on the TPN and not a sign of liver dysfunction
- They both have eye exams again this week. They have had no "bad" reports yet. We're praying that continues and that their exams can become less frequent since it's a horrible thing to go through.
We continue to pray! Thanks for the specific requests! Your little ones are so incredibly precious... Hang in there!
We will all continue to pray for them both and you two as well with a special focus to bring God's healing support for these present needs.
My heart is tender for you, Heidi and Noel - thank you for sharing all this. Praying these things right now!! Thank you, Lord, for being a God of miracles. To You be the glory for the full healing and healthy development of Jude and Hazel!
Prayers being prayed in our house!!
Liz D
Thanks for the specific things to
pray for! Knowing what your dear ones need is important for our prayer requests. We pray for you,
Heidi and Noel, that God gives you
His constant presence, His calm, and
His reassurance daily.
Thank you Noel and Heidi for sharing the milestones of your babies. It is amazing for us to see the progress that is being made. You are all in our prayers - hang in there!
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